

Pymousetrap Module Methods

get_next_id() Returns the next available object id in the system.
Mousetrap(source_data, flags, [id]) Creates a MousetrapType instance from the data contained in source_data. flags is specific to the source type, this documentation should be consulted for available source types and their flags. The created mousetrap object will use a system generated id if the id parameter is not specified.

MousetrapType Instance Methods

blit(source, (x, y), flags = 0) Splices a copy of source into self with the upper left corner of source at (x, y). source is clipped to self.

If flags is set to pymousetrap.blit_flags['NO_TRANSPARENCY'] then transparency in source is not processed.

get_my_id() Returns the unique integer identifier used by self.
lookup_id((x, y)) Returns the integer object id of the object occupying position (x, y).
read_ids([(x, y), (width, height)]) Returns an integer tuple of all ids in self, or all ids bounded by the rectangle x, y, width, height.
copy([(x, y), (width, height)]) Returns a mousetrap with a system generated id(by the get_next_id module method) that is a copy of self, or the specified rectangle part of self.
copy_with_id(id, [(x, y), (width, height)]) Returns a mousetrap with id for its id that is a copy of self, or the specified rectangle part of self.
dump_uncompressed() Prints a textual representation of self in a slightly useful fashion(unless your ids are over 9, then it's just a mess)
dump_compressed() Prints a textual representation of self representative of its compression format.

Copyright © 2001 Ben Smith